[EXFO 715B] MaxTester 715B Last-Mile OTDR
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  • [EXFO 715B] MaxTester 715B Last-Mile OTDR

[EXFO 715B] MaxTester 715B Last-Mile OTDR

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[EXFO MAX-715B OTDR] 광학 시간 영역 반사계 / Last-Mile OTDR(Optical Time-Domain Reflectometers )
EXFO MaxTester 715B Last-Mile OTDR


주요특징 (Features)


• iOLM-Ready: 원터치 클릭으로 전문가 수준의 OTDR 트레이스 분석
• 다이나믹 레인지:30/28/28 dB
• 데드존 (EDZ: 1m, ADZ: 4m)
• 파손이 적은 견고한 디자인
• 1.29kg의 가벼운 무게
• 7" LCD 터치스크린
• 12시간 배터리



상세설명 (Description)


The Handheld OTDR... Reinvented.


The MaxTester 700B series is the first tablet-inspired OTDR line that is handy, lightweight and rugged enough for any outside plant environment. With a 7-inch, outdoor-enhanced touchscreen—the most efficient handheld display in the industry—it delivers an unprecedented user experience. Its intuitive Windows-like GUI ensures a fast learning curve. Plus, its new and improved OTDR 2.0 environment offers icon-based functions, instant boot-up, automatic macrobend finders as well as improved auto and real-time modes.

The MaxTester 700B series is a line of genuine high-performance OTDRs from the world’s leading manufacturer. It delivers EXFO’s tried and true OTDR quality and accuracy along with the best optical performance for right-first-time results, every time.

The amazing 12-hour battery life will never let a technician down, and the plug-and-play hardware options, like the VFL, power meter and USB tools, make every technician’s job easier. Most importantly, the Max-700B series is finally bringing the iOLM, an intelligent OTDR-based application, to the handheld market. This advanced software turns even the most complex trace analysis into a simple, one-touch task.

Ultimately, the MaxTester 700B series is small enough to fit in your hand and big enough to fit all your needs!


The Entry-Level Solution Designed for All Your Testing Needs

The MaxTester 715B OTDR/iOLM is optimized for the point-to-point testing and troubleshooting of FTTx architectures, and is ideal for testing short fibers (e.g., inside a CO environment or at FTTA/DAS network installations).



Specification Sheets


 MaxTester 715B  




The MAX-700B series is the first tablet-inspired OTDR line that is handy, lightweight and rugged enough for any outside plantenvironment. With a 7-inch, outdoor-enhanced touchscreen–the most efficient handheld display in the industry–it delivers anunprecedented user experience. Its intuitive Windows-like GUI ensures a fast learning curve. Plus, its new and improved OTDR2.0environment offers icon-based functions, instant boot-up, automatic macrobend finders as well as improved auto and real-timemodes.

The Max-700B series is a line of genuine high-performance OTDRs from the world’s leading manufacturer. It delivers EXFO’s triedand true OTDR quality and accuracy along with the best optical performance for right-first-time results, every time.

The amazing 12-hour battery life will never let a technician down, and the plug-and-play hardware options, like the VFL, powermeter and USB tools, make every technician’s job easier.Most importantly, the Max-700B series is finally bringing the iOLM, an intelligent OTDR-based application, to the handheld market.This advanced software turns even the most complex trace analysis into a simple, one-touch task.

Ultimately, the Max-700B series is small enough to fit in your hand and big enough to fit all your needs!



The MAX-715B OTDR/iOLM is optimized for the point-to-point testing and troubleshooting of FTTx architectures, and is ideal fortesting short fibers (e.g., inside a CO environment or at FTTA/DAS network installations).Other models available :

MAX-720B Access for any short network construction (36 dB)
MAX-730B FTTH/PON installation and maintenance for testing through optical splitters and short P2P metro (39 dB)



Neglecting to clean, inspect and certify connectors will lead to serious, time-consuming problems that account for up to 80% ofnetwork failures. Thanks to years of field experience, EXFO has been able to re-engineer a major, patent-pending, fiber-inspectionprobe, the FIP-400B, which is designed to both simplify and speed up this critical step of network construction.When paired with ConnectorMax2, the FIP-400B can objectively analyze connector cleanliness based on IEC, IPC and userdefinedstandards. Plus, the auto-centering feature cuts inspection time in half, especially in patch panels and hard-to-reachconnectors. This inspection tool, which is exclusive to EXFO, is equipped with a pass/fail LED indicator that provides a cleardiagnosis in the palm of your hand.




Technical specifications

Display 7-in (178-mm) outdoor-enhanced touchscreen, 800 x 480 TFT
Interfaces Two USB 2.0 ports, RJ45 LAN 10/100 Mbit/s
Storage 2 GB internal memory (20 000 OTDR traces, typical)
Batteries Rechargeable lithium-polymer battery
12 hours of operation as per Telcordia (Bellcore) TR-NWT-001138
Power supply Power supply AC/DC adapter, input 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 9-16 V DCIN 15 Watts minimum
Wavelength (nm) b 1310 ± 30/1550 ± 30/1625 ± 10
SM live port built-in filter 1625 nm: highpass >1595 nm / isolation >50 dB from 1270 nm to 1585 nm
Dynamic range (dB) c 30/28/28
Event dead zone (m) d 1
Attenuation dead zone (m) e 4
PON dead zone (m) f 35
Distance range (km) 0.1 to 160
Pulse width (ns) 5 to 20 000
Linearity (dB/dB) ±0.05
Loss threshold (dB) 0.01
Loss resolution (dB) 0.001
Sampling resolution (m) 0.04 to 5
Sampling points Up to 256 000
Distance uncertainty (m) h ±(0.75 + 0.0025 % x distance + sampling resolution)
Measurement time User-defined (maximum: 60 minutes)
Reflectance accuracy (dB) b ±2
Typical real-time refresh (Hz) 3


a. All specifications valid at 23 °C ± 2 °C with an FC/APC connector, unless otherwise specified.
b. Typical.
c. Typical dynamic range with longest pulse and three-minute averaging at SNR = 1.
d. Typical, for reflectance from –35 dB to –55 dB, using a 5-ns pulse.
e. Typical, for reflectance at –55 dB, using a 5-ns pulse. Attenuation dead zone at 1310 nm is 5 m typical with reflectance below –45 dB.
f. Does not include uncertainty due to fiber index.

정밀계측기 수리전문 02-6679-6363

텍캄몰(Tekkammall.com) 주요납품처

텍캄몰(Tekkammall.com) 주요납품처


- 배송비 : 1,000,000원 이상 구매시 무료배송이며, 미만 주문시 5,000원의 택배비가 청구됩니다.

  도서, 산간지방 및 일부지역은 배송비가 추가될 수 있습니다.(퀵, 다마스 배송은 별도 문의부탁드립니다)


- 배송기간 : 배송은 일반적으로 결제후 2~7일이 소요됩니다.(토요일/공휴일 제외, 도서지역 4~8일)

  특수제품, 주문제작 및 직수입 상품의 경우 별도 배송일을 안내해 드립니다.

  배송예절일은 주문시점(주문순서)에 따른 유동성이 발생하므로 평균 배송일과 차이가 발생할 수 있습니다.


- 본 상품의 배송 가능일은 15일입니다. 배송 가능일이란 본 상품을 주문 하신 고객님들께 상품 배송이 가능한 기간을 의미합니다. 

  (단, 연휴 및 공휴일은 기간 계산시 제외하며 현금 주문일 경우 입금일 기준 입니다.)

교환 및 반품안내






고객님 부담으로 환불금액에서 왕복 배송비가

차감되어 환불됩니다.

왕복 배송비 확인 후 박스에 동봉해서 보내주세요.

- 일반적으로 교환이나 환불시 10,000원의 왕복배송비가

   적용됩니다.(상품에 따라 상이 할 수 있습니다)

- 재고가 없는 경우 환불처리 될 수 있습니다.

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판매자 부담이므로 상품만 보내주시면 됩니다.



 교환/환불이 불가능 한 경우

 환불/교환 요청기간 초과

환불/교환 기간 이후 요청하는 경우(배송완료 시점으로부터 15일 초과시)

단, 수령한 상품이 표기 광고의 내용과 다르거나 계약 내용과 다르게 이행된 경우에는 수령한 날로부터 3개월 이내,
그 사실을 알 수 있었던 날로부터 30일 이내에는 환불/교환 신청 가능합니다.

 재고가 부족한 경우​

단순변심으로 교환을 요청했으나, 재고가 부족한 경우(환불 처리 될 수 있습니다)

 특수제품/ 주문제작/ 직수입제품

주문/제작 상품의 제작이 이미 진행된 경우, 직수입 제품의 경우 주문서가 들어간 경우

 분실/ 파손/ 고장/ 오염 발생

상품택/ 구성품 분실 및 취급 부주의로 인한 파손/고장/오염 등이 발생한 경우

 모니터 해상도 차이

모니터 해상도 차이로 인하여 색상 등 이미지가 실제와 상이한 경우

 기타 불가사유

① 제품박스가 손상되거나 찢어진 경우

② 고유팩 포장을 분리하거나 훼손하였을 경우

③ 렌즈에 이물질 및 지문등의 흔적이 남은 경우

  <기타 불가 사유 참고 이미지>





- 상품 택(tag)제거 또는 개봉으로 상품 가치 훼손 시에는 상품수령후 7일 이내라도 교환 및 반품이 불가능합니다.

- 일부 특가 상품의 경우, 인수 후에는 제품 하자나 오배송의 경우를 제외한 고객님의 단순변심에 의한 교환, 반품이 불가능할 수 있사오니, 각 상품의 상품상세정보를 꼭 참조하십시오. 


- 상품 청약철회 가능기간은 상품 수령일로 부터 15일이내 입니다.

- 일부 특수 제품, 주문제작 및 직수입 제품의 경우 교환/반품이 어려울 수 있습니다.

- 구매전 충분히 상담하시고, 신중하게 구매 해 주시기 바랍니다.  


- 저희 텍캄몰에서 구매하신 제품과 상품은 정품으로 본사 및 전문점에서 A/S를 받을 수 있습니다.

- 무상 A/S기간에 상관없이 밴드교체 및 유리교체 등 소모품성 및 고객님의 부주의로 인한 파손은 유상 A/S(비용청구)로 처리됩니다.

- A/S 처리방법은 매장으로 방문하시거나 전화해 주시고, 우편이나 택배이용시 배송료는 본인 부담입니다.

- A/S 처리기간은 고장상태와 부품조달 관계로 1주일에서 최장 3개월까지 걸릴 수 있습니다.

이미지 확대보기[EXFO 715B] MaxTester 715B Last-Mile OTDR

[EXFO 715B] MaxTester 715B Last-Mile OTDR
  • [EXFO 715B] MaxTester 715B Last-Mile OTDR
  • [EXFO 715B] MaxTester 715B Last-Mile OTDR

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